Institute for Digital Transformation

Resources for digital leaders, enterprises, and service companies for elevating your digital transformation efforts.
From independent service consultants, to enterprise digital transformation professionals, the Institute for Digital Transformation provides the resources you can trust.

Digital Transformation Readiness Tool

Based on Digital Readiness Framework

  • Operational Sustainability: The core of transformation, focusing on stable and resilient operations. It’s the backbone that supports all other transformation efforts.
  • Organizational Agility: The ability of an organization to rapidly adapt to market and environmental changes. Agility helps in maintaining a competitive edge and responding effectively to competitors.
  • Strategic Agility:  The capability to identify and seize new opportunities quickly. It ensures that the organization stays ahead of the competition.
  • Disruptive Culture: A culture that fosters innovation and adaptability. Such a culture is essential for growth, sustainability, and enhanced ROI.

Business Benefits

  • Objective and Unbiased Perspective: Offers a clear, external viewpoint, essential for accurate assessments and effective change management.
  • Catalyst for Change: Acts as an impetus for transformation, particularly useful in overcoming internal resistance.
  • Strategic Planning Input: Identifies strengths and weaknesses, aiding in the creation of a tailored transformation roadmap.
  • Actionable Recommendations: Provides innovative, practical strategies based on a broad spectrum of industry experiences.

Key Features

  1. Vendor Agnostic: The tool is impartial and not aligned with any specific vendor solution, ensuring unbiased recommendations.
  2. Analytic Approach: Utilizes objective data and statistics, steering clear of subjective biases.
  3. Inclusive Methodology: Gathers insights from across the organization, not just a select few, ensuring a comprehensive view.
  4. Focused Recommendations: Based on the Digital Readiness Framework, it provides targeted advice for organizational improvement in key areas.
  5. Value for Business: Aids in informed decision-making, reducing risks, and enhancing outcomes, steering clear of the pitfalls that cause 70% of organizations to fail in transformation efforts.

Keep Your Organization Ready!

In today’s competitive landscape, understanding your organization’s readiness for digital transformation is more critical than ever. The Digital Transformation Readiness Tool is an essential companion on your journey.


Transformation Strategy Session

Work with one of our transformation specialists for a strategy session about your digital transformation.
This is a one-time consult.

Professional & Expert Advice

Seeking answers to your most difficult challenges, our experts are available for a consultation. These are retained advisory services.

Materials & Content

Blog posts, articles, whitepapers, expert appearances, webinars, and paid tools are all available in our services section.

Rapid Research

The research you need to move forward with your transformation delivered
in a three week approach with current data and at a fraction of the normal cost.

Readiness Assessment

The Institute has developed an analytical Model that will objectively measure the “Readiness” of an organization’s ability to change.

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Learn more about the different membership benefits.

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Do you have knowledge or experience that would benefit others?

Submit an article to the Journal of Digital Transformation.

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Place an ad in an existing post or in our newsletter.

You can also submit a new post or have the Institute write it for you.

By the Book!

Digital Transformation Demystified is unique!. 10 global industry experts contributed to this transformation toolkit.

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