Institute for Digital Transformation

The Trusted Authority in Digital and Business Transformation!
Resources for digital leaders, enterprises, and service companies for elevating your digital transformation efforts.


Transformation Strategy Session

Work with one of our transformation specialists for a strategy session about your digital transformation.
This is a one-time consult.

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Seeking answers to your most difficult challenges, our experts are available for a consultation. These are retained advisory services.

Materials & Content

Blog posts, articles, whitepapers, expert appearances, webinars, and paid tools are all available in our services section.

Rapid Research

The research you need to move forward with your transformation delivered
in a three week approach with current data and at a fraction of the normal cost.

Readiness Assessment

The Institute has developed an analytical Model that will objectively measure the “Readiness” of an organization’s ability to change.

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By the Book!

Digital Transformation Demystified is unique!. 10 global industry experts contributed to this transformation toolkit.

Recent Posts

The Voice of the Customer

Your Compass for Transformation Imagine setting off on a road trip without a map, GPS, or even a clear destination. Instead, you rely on trial, error, and the...

Mini Milestones: The Road Map to Personal Satisfaction & Success

Most of us begin every year coming up with a list of goals and resolutions, the majority of which are unrealistic and unattainable. When we fail to achieve these goals...

How AI is Reshaping the Workplace – Part 3

Part 3 - Building Resiliency Continued from Part 2 - Organizational Agility If AI’s positive impact is to outweigh the many challenges and complexities, workplaces must...

The Power of Questions

Shaping the Future with Intent As we begin a new year and continue advancing on our digital and human journey, this is the ideal moment to pause and reflect. Where are...

How AI is Reshaping the Workplace – Part 2

Part 2 - Organizational Agility Continued from Part 1 - Transformation Crosswords To leverage AI in various forms, the leading companies have dynamic environments,...

Digital Transformation Broadcast Network

Press Release Institute for Digital Transformation today announced the launch of the Digital Transformation Broadcast Network (DTBN), a podcast network designed for...

The Growing AI Divide

In the era of break-neck technological advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force, disrupting various aspects of our lives. Chat...

Is Conflict Inevitable in the Digital Era?

With algorithms shaping what our minds absorb in the digital era, is conflict now inevitable? Habits are self-perpetuating – the more that thoughts are repeated, the...

How AI is Reshaping the Workplace – Part 1

Part 1 - Transformational Crossroads As we wrap up 2024, we know that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer an emerging technology. We have used AI for years:...

Events has Expanded and Moved!